Despre noi

Clinica noastră există ca tu să zâmbești mereu


Despre noi

La Fitze Clinics te vei simți ca acasă, într-un loc unde etica si pasiunea pentru stomatologie se întâlnesc pentru a oferi pacienților noștri servicii dentare de cea mai înaltâ calitate.
O dantură sănătoasă necesită o investiție, iar pentru a fi gata să investești în propriul corp este esențial să stabilești o legătură profesională, bazată pe încredere.

Obiectivul nostru

Obiectivul nostru nu este acela de a oferi pacienților noștri tratamente și servicii dentare ieftine, ci de a oferi servicii de calitate exceptionale, garantate in viitor.

Managerierea eficientă a timpului

Suntem aici să înlăturăm fobia si anxietatea față de dentist. Pentru toate acestea fiecărui pacient îi este alocat atâta timp cât este nevoie, pentru a înlatura aceste bariere cu care, cei mai mulți pacienți noi vin la clinica noastră.

Clinica modernă

Investim in continuare în tehnologie de ultimă oră, materiale, instruire și echipa noastră clinică.

Echipă bilingvă

Avem o echipă bilingvă, de vorbitori fluenți de engleză și română, astfel încât de cum vei intra în clinica Fitze vei fi cu adevărat răsfățat.


Echipa noastra

În spatele fiecărui zâmbet perfect se află o întreagă echipă, medici dentiști, asistente dentare, tehnicieni și o echipă administrativă, care, împreună, colaborează în permanență pentru fieare din pacienții noștri.

Dr Loredana Tanasiciuc

Practice Principal

Although she is the “BOSS”, Loredana is not bossy at all ☺
She enjoys running the practice together with the Practice Manager, constantly finding better ways of improving patients journey, coming up with latest equipment and technologies to help our clinicians achieve outstanding treatments.
GDC 246778

Dr Mihai Tanasiciuc

For nearly 20 Years Dr. Tanasiciuc has dedicated his career to all his patients with great respect and professionalism with a great quality of services. One single visit and Dr. Tanasiciuc will make you feel comfortable with no anxiety at all. Every patient is assessed and treated individually.
Dr. Tanasiciuc has a special interest in the restoration and preservation of your existing teeth rather than replacing them, but together with the rest of his multidisciplinary team, he will always cooperate in the best interest of all his patients. Yes, he is a human being after all and he has hobbies such as traveling and tennis.
GDC 109293

Dr. Oana Anton

Dr. Oana Anton earned her dental degree (with distinction) at the Carol Davila University, Bucharest. Subsequently, Dr. Anton was accepted to the prestigious 3-year full-time specialty program in Endodontics at the same University, after which she gained (with distinction) her certification as an Endodontic Specialist. Dr. Oana Anton is a dedicated dentist with over 8 years of private practice experience both in General Dentistry and Endodontics (root canal treatment).
A confident healthcare professional with unwavering patience in the face of the most challenging cases, Dr. Oana Anton’s main practice areas are Endodontics, Prosthodontics, General Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Public Health, and Paediatric Dentistry.
GDC 281237

Dr. Dalma Nagy

Dalma qualified from the Dental Medicine School from the University of Bucharest, and since then she has gained valuable experience in all aspects of general dentistry over the last 12 years. She is passionate about providing a high standard of care and treatment in all aspects of dentistry. Dalma strongly believes in continuing education so that she can offer all her patients the best range and quality of dental care possible. Following a postgraduate Certificate by ZKN Hannover Germany, and her participation in several advanced continuing education courses in Germany and Italy next to some of the world’s best clinicians, she developed a special interest in Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry.
In 2018 she moved to the UK where she is providing high-quality private and NHS dentistry. Outside of dentistry, Dalma loves spending time with her husband Nikos and her beautiful daughter Katarina. She also enjoys cooking, keeping fit, and traveling.
GDC 276432


Ema is our lead nurse and front desk assistant.
She is a patient dedicated person, making sure the patient fully understands their treatment and has an enjoyable experience at our clinic.


Mihaela is our Front Desk patient coordinator. Even if she works part time at our clinic Mihaela is a patient centered person, always happy to help, advise and answer our patients enquiries.
Mihaela has a bubbly character, with a great sense of humour and our patients are always happy to meet the “lady in charge” with their appointments.

Diana Talpa

Diana is a full of energy and vibrant person.
She enjoys helping patients understand their treatment better.
She is enrolled in a dental implant course which she embraces fully.


Oana is an experienced dental nurse, gentle and calm but always ready to help our patients and assist our clinicians. She has a secret passion, the one of baking and we are always happy to taste her delicacies.
Oana is always a team player and we feel great having her at our clinic.


Citeste ce cred pacientii despre noi

  • Elena M.
    Elena M.
    I highly recommend this clinic!! After visiting so many other clinics from everywhere around London, this is finally the best! When you walk in, you are welcomed by the receptionist, a wonderful lady, explaining in such a professional manner the steps/process you have to follow. All the respect to the dentist, Ms Oana Anton, who is by far the best dentist i have come across in the UK! She is very respectful, explainig all the steps, very calm, very professional!! Lastly, the nurse it's so helpful and polite! It's a pleasure visiting this clinic!
  • Tracy J.
    Tracy J.
    Un dentist minunat! Din totdeauna am avut o fobie de vizita la dentist. Am simțit ca voi renunța deoarece am fost pacientă la câteva clinici dentare, in centrul Londrei și împrejurimi și nici un dentist nu a reușit să-mi înlăture această fobie. Asta până când l-am întâlnit pe Dr Tanasiciuc și pentru prima dată pot spune că abia aștept să continui tratamentele dentare cu dumnealui. Dr Tanasiciuc mi-a vorbit calm și m-a făcut să mă simt relaxată într-un cabinet dentar. Dr Tanasiciuc mi-a depășit așteptările cu profesionalismul dumnealui și pentru prima data după mulți ani abia aștept să finalizez tratamentele dentare. Vă Multumesc!”
  • Tracy C
    Tracy C
    Fantastic dentist! I have always had a phobia of going to the dentist, needles and having instruments being put into my mouth, so it has always been a chore finding the right dentist. I thought I would just give up as I have been to several different dentists in and around London and no one could meet my expectations, until now! I saw Dr Mihai Tanasiciuc yesterday and for the first time I can actually say that I am looking forward to my next treatment. Dr Mihai Tanasiciuc spoke to me in a calming manner and made me feel really relaxed all the way through my treatment and my clean was a breeze. Dr Mihai Tanasiciuc has definitely exceeded all my expectations and for the first time in many years I can't wait to go back. Thank you so much Dr Mihai Tanasiciuc. Look forward to many more treatments with you.
  • Marius C
    Marius C
    I highly recommend this clinic!! After visiting so many other clinics from everywhere around London, this is finally the best! When you walk in, you are welcomed by the receptionist, a wonderful lady, explaining in such a professional manner the steps/process you have to follow. All the respect to the dentist, Ms Oana Anton, who is by far the best dentist i have come across in the UK! She is very respectful, explainig all the steps, very calm, very professional!! Lastly, the nurse it's so helpful and polite! It's a pleasure visiting this clinic!

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